San Francisco

We left Yosemite and headed toward San Francisco. Not long after we left Yosemite, everyone was getting hungry, so we stopped at the same playground again for dinner. More mac & cheese!

After everyone was fed, we hit the road. It ended up being another late night drive and all the kids fell asleep in the van. So, we made it to Merced and found a quiet spot behind a truck stop to sleep for the night.

It took most of another day to drive all the way to San Francisco. So we got into town a little later in the day. We decided stay the night so we could ride the Trolly and see the city a little. So we got a camp site at the Candlestick RV Park.

We checked in at the RV Park and dropped off the trailer, then went to pickup our friends to join us. By the time we got into town, the lines were too long to attempt a trolley ride, so we went to Ghirardelli for some ice cream.

Then we watched the trolley cars at Hyde St turn around for a few mins. After that, it was dinner time and everyone got a little hangry.

We decided to go for a trolley ride the next morning instead of fighting the crowds.