Trolley Rides

We got going early (for us) so we could try to beat the crowds at the Trolly.

After we checked out of the campground, we thought we might be able to leave the camper in front of out friends house. That way we could just worry about finding parking for the van near the trolley.

As it turns out there were some contractors working on the house a couple doors down that noticed us trying to figure out parking. They had purchased permits from the city to have access to the curb in front of the house where they were working. Timing was perfect because thy did not need curb access that day. So, they let us park the camper there for FREE.

That worked out swimmingly! We dropped the camper and headed to the trolley.

We found a good parking place and got right in line to board the trolley. After downloading the app and purchasing tickets, we were ready to go.

It only took a few minutes until we were able to jump on.

We rode as far as we could and made it to Union Square. After that, we grabbed some lunch.

When we were ready to head back, we walked a few stops up from Union Square (to avoid the massive lines down there), and were easily able to grab the next trolley back.

We made it back to the Fisherman’s Wharf, jumped back in the van, and dropped our friends off back home for nap time.

After we hitched up the trailer, we hit the road toward the Redwoods and the Drive-Through Tree.