Why are we doing this trip?

Five Kids in a van for a month!?!? Are you serious/crazy?!!?

We just might be!

Seriously though, why are we doing this trip?

There are a few reasons, these are the big ones:

  • Make family memories
  • Expand horizons
  • Instill Adventure

Make Family Memories

We want to give our kids some fun, challenging, and unique experiences to build character and help them learn first-hand about real life together.

Expand Horizons

It is easy to fall into regular patterns and comfortable routines that can limit the fullness of life. We have learned that breaking out of these patterns and routines to risk doing something different and new builds a new confidence and personal growth that is hard to find other ways.

Instill Adventure

Adventure has shaped our lives in meaningful ways. From overseas youth group mission trips to cross country motorcycle journeys. This sense of adventure is something we want our kids to “catch” along the way.

We know things are not going to be smooth and we will have adversity and challenges we need to overcome along the way. That’s ok. In fact. That is pretty much the point!

PS. We’re really going on this trip because Madelyn said we need to. She is the catalyst that instigated this whole thing.